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Balanced Literacy Diet

School Administrators - Inspire!
What does this website have to offer you?


Encouraging our Classroom Cooks to become Inspired Chefs

Although elementary teachers are the "cooks" in their own classrooms, both research and practice indicate that supportive school leadership is what empowers them to become “inspired classroom chefs” who are both prepared and motivated to provide successful literacy education to every student in their care.


Key Ingredients for Elementary Literacy Leadership

  1. Making literacy the top curriculum priority
  2. Understanding the essentials of effective literacy instruction
  3. Providing time and support for on-going staff development
  4. Implementing assessment that guides literacy instruction
  5. Ensuring appropriate instruction and adaptations for struggling readers and writers

Find a wealth of support for the development of a successful literacy program in your school:

  • The Overview and Food Groups sections provide an explanation of what is required for growth in literacy across the elementary grades, and the Virtual Tours section provide examples of what effective and engaging literacy education looks like in a variety of elementary classrooms.

  • These resources as well as the How-To Videos and Recipes for Literacy (Lesson Plans) offer an invaluable resource for staff development, led by the literacy coach or a lead teacher.

  • Instructional strategies for students who require additional support in literacy are provided in the Adaptations subsections within the each of the Recipes for Literacy and will be provided in a future section for Special Literacy Diets as well.


The role of the School Administrator in the literacy program:

Elementary Principal
Reflects on Literacy Education