Concept Maps
Expanding Vocabulary Networks

Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 2: Consolidation / FluencyStage 3: Literacy for Growth
Grade Range:
2nd 3rd 4th 5thFood Groups:
Primary: Vocabulary, Knowledge Building
Activity Description
1. Select a new vocabulary word or concept
2. Look up the definition of the new word and have it readily available to read aloud
3. Photocopy the Concept Map handout and cut it in half, one per student
1. Write the new word on chart paper
2. Ask students to collectively brainstorm words related to the new word
a. Record answers on the chart paper
3. Read the definition of the new word
4. Compare the list of words that were brainstormed with the definition
5. Discuss whether any of the words generated do not relate to the correct definition
a. Cross out any incorrect definitions
6. As a class, read all of the words from the refined list
7. Give each student a copy of the graphic organizer
8. Ask students to fill in their graphic organizer by selecting and writing four words from the generated list that will help them to accurately remember the new vocabulary word/concept
9. Ask students to write 1-3 sentences containing the new word in their journals
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Draw or use pictures to represent the new vocabulary word/concept
- Pair ELL students with a non-ELL partner
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Ensure students can read the new word
- Allow extra time for completion of the concept map
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Ensure that the discussion of the new word and the explanation of the definition represent various perspectives
- Use vocabulary words from around the world
Differentiated Instruction:
- Verify and clarify understanding
- Allow students to work individually, in pairs, or in small groups
Related References
Source and Evidence:
Rupley, W., Logan, J.W., & Nichols, W.D. (1999) Vocabulary instruction in a balanced reading program. The Reading Teacher, 52 (4), 336- 346.
Activity Objective
The goal of Concept Maps: Expanding Vocabulary Networks is to help students construct word meaning as they collectively brainstorm a list of related concepts that will help them remember the definition of a new word.
What You Need
Prep Time:
5-10 minutes
- Select a new vocabulary word/concept
- Look up the definition of the new word
- Photocopy the Concept Map worksheet and provide one for each student
Task Time:
15-20 minutes
- Teacher introduces a new vocabulary word or concept
- Teacher facilitates student brainstorming of related words or ideas
- Teacher reads the correct definition of the new word aloud
- Teacher facilitates a discussion of the meaning of the new vocabulary word and reviews the list of related words
- Students fill in their own concept maps
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Concept Map worksheet
- Concept Map worksheets
- Writing utensils
- Journal
What You Do
Teacher Role:
- when introducing a new word, brainstorming related concepts, and discussing the meaning of the new word
while monitoring students as they fill in their concept maps
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during introduction of the word/concept, brainstorming, and discussion
- while completing concept maps
Assessment Ideas:
- Check student concept maps for accuracy and correct spelling
- Ask each student to explain the meaning of the new word/concept
- Review student sentences for spelling and understanding
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Use new vocabulary words as weekly/monthly spelling words
- Have students fill out concept maps when they come across a new term or concept
- Provide a concept map which contains four words but asks students to discover the target vocabulary word
Additional Comments:
- Use difficult vocabulary words from different subject areas.
- Have students keep concept map graphic organizers in a duotang for easy reference.