Pick a Part!
Improving Reading Fluency
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyStage 2: Consolidation / Fluency
Grade Range:
2nd 3rdFood Groups:
Primary: Reading Fluency & Expression, Motivation for Literacy
Activity Description
Select a text appropriate for the class to read aloud
- The text should be appealing and appropriate for all students and easily segmented into parts
Make student copies of selected text
- One copy per student
1. Explain and model fluent and expressive reading
a. For example: model vocal skills and strategies such as tone, pitch, pace, and volume
2. Read selected text aloud to students
a. Students should be familiar with the text prior to beginning the activity
3. Explain procedures for the class read-aloud
a. Inform students that the class will be reading the story aloud as a group, and each student will be allocated parts from the story to read-aloud at the appropriate time
4. As a class, choose the words, lines, or phrases each student will read
a. Ensure every student is involved in some way
b. More than one student can read the same line
c. Everyone can “jump in” on any lines not allocated specific students
5. Give students time to individually practice their parts
6. Have students assemble and engage in a class read-aloud
a. Students will be responsible for reading their lines and following along the passage for “jumping in opportunities”
7. Perform the read-aloud passage for an audience (optional)
a. For example, students can perform their passage for other classes
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Allows students to select lines or phrases they are most comfortable with- may be shorter in length and composed of simple, familiar words - Where appropriate, accompany lines/vocabulary with illustrations to ensure comprehension
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- During individual practice, provide extra support for students- read the line to the student several times and then read the line with the student - Allow students to select their lines in advance to afford practice time
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Choose texts that are accessible and appeal to multiple cultural and ethnic groups
Differentiated Instruction:
- Students are encouraged to personify or dramatize their line(s) as a kinaesthetic response to the text - Provide differentiated amounts of support to students during individual practice time
Related References
Source: Rasinski, T.V. (2003). The Fluent Reader: Oral Reading Strategies for Building Word Recognition, Fluency and Comprehension. New York: Scholastic Professional Books
Evidence: Dowhower, S.L. (1989). Repeated reading: Research into practice. The Reading Teacher, 42, 502-507.
Activity Objective
The goal of Pick a Part!: Improving Reading Fluency is for students to improve reading fluency and expression by repeatedly reading a text together as a group.
What You Need
Prep Time:
15-20 minutes - Choose appropriate text passage
- Prepare copies of text package for students
- Transcribe text passage onto chart paper (optional)
Task Time:
30-40 minutes - Teacher explains and models fluent reading
- Teacher reads text passage aloud
- Teacher explains class read-aloud procedures
- Teacher allocates reading lines and students rehearse lines
- Students read the text as a class
Materials Required:
- Text passage
- Copies of text passage (one per student)
- Text passage written on chart paper
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- when explaining and modeling fluent reading and when explaining read-aloud process
- during rehearsal and performance
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during initial instruction and performance
Individual or small group:
- during rehearsal of reading passage
Assessment Ideas:
- After multiple experiences with Choral Reading strategies, assess students' improvement in fluency through individual oral reading passages - Assess performance using teacher or student-designed rubric
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Extend small group performances to include set design, costumes, and props
Additional Comments:
- Repeated reading opportunities such as those found in this activity are especially well suited for ESL/ELL students - Be sure to select shorter texts that can easily be segmented into parts and have a distinct rhythm
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Students can be assigned to heterogeneous groups or paired with more proficient readers during practice