Action Words
Helping Students Understand Verbs
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyStage 2: Consolidation / Fluency
Grade Range:
1st 2nd 3rdFood Groups:
Primary: Writing Conventions, Knowledge Building
Secondary: Vocabulary
Activity Description
- Gather pipe cleaners, journals, and writing utensils
Generate a list of 10-20 age-appropriate action words
- This list may be used to prompt students if they are having difficulty generating a list themselves
Session 1:
Session 2:
- Review the list of action words with the class
- Have students write a short journal entry using at least 2 of the action words they learned and draw a picture to accompany the written entry
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Provide visual cues to pair with dramatized action words
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Students can draw a picture of their action words, rather than give the written form
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Action words selected should be familiar to all students - Have students tell the class a translation of the action words in their native language
Differentiated Instruction:
- Provide a list of teacher-generated action words to those students who need additional support
Related References
Evidence: Etemad, M. (1994). The Role of Kinaesthetic in Learning: The Importance of Active Engagement and the Connected Process of Reflection. Eric Documents Reproductive Services.
Activity Objective
The goal of Action Words: Helping Students Understand Verbs is to help students develop a better understanding of action words through exploring their usage in sentences and dramatizing their meaning.
What You Need
Prep Time:
10 minutes - Prepare materials - Generate list of action words
Task Time:
2, 30 minute sessions - Students brainstorm a list of action words - Teacher and students review list of words - Students engage in action guessing game
Materials Required:
Teacher: - Chart paper - Markers Students: - Large pipe cleaners or pieces of string (1 per student) - Student journals or lined paper - Pencils, markers, crayons, pencil crayons
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct Instruction: - during explanation of task Facilitator: - during action guessing game Consultant: - during journal entries
Student Grouping:
Whole class: - during brainstorming activity Small groups: - during action guessing game Individual: - during journal entries
Assessment Ideas:
- A checklist can be used by the teacher to assess students ability to demonstrate, recognize, and use the action words correctly in action, in a journal entry, and in an illustration - The students can also indirectly evaluate each other throughout the lesson by using encouraging phrases such as "great acting" and "close guess but try again, while the teacher notes these comments
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Set-up a writing centre in the classroom for students to practice using the action words they learned from this lesson in their own independent writing - Students can make their own picture cards, illustrating the actions and an action word wall can be created in the class - Extend this game into a drama centre where students can play in small groups during centre-time - Incorporate this game into a physical education class where students have to perform the various action words in a routine
Additional Comments:
- This is a great intro activity to action words (verbs) that incorporates dramatic role-playing!