A is for Alphabet Book
Using Alphabet Books to Promote Early Literacy Skills
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 0: Foundation for LiteracyStage 1: Beginning Literacy
Grade Range:
PreK K 1stFood Groups:
Concepts of Print, Writing Processes & Strategies
Motivation for Literacy, Text Structures & Genres
Activity Description
- Create an alphabet page template with widely spaced lines for writing and space for a photograph of the student
Describe Alphabet Book activity
Show an example page
- Model the process using your name with chart paper and markers
- Explain that adding detail helps students learn more about each other
- For example, use the model: [first initial] My name is [name] and I [interesting fact about the teacher] (e.g. A is for Ms. A. and I like to play soccer)
Show an example page
- Have students return to their seats and hand out the alphabet page template
Instruct students to complete their page
- Fill out first initial, name and interesting fact
- Circulate around the room, providing support as necessary
- Collect alphabet pages
- Take a photograph of each child
Compile the class alphabet book
- Distribute alphabet book to students to take home to share with families
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Conference with individual students to ensure they understand the activity
- Allow student to brainstorm in first language
- Provide standard sentence with blanks to scaffold writing
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Allow students to use a word processor
- Allow students to begin with illustration to generate ideas
- Conference with individual students to ensure they understand the activity
- Allow inventive spelling
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Encourage students to write about their own culture
Related References
Evers, A.J., Lang, L.F. & Smith, S.V. (2009). An ABC Literacy Journey: Anchoring in Texts, Bridging Language and Creating Stories. The Reading Teacher, 62, 461-470.
Chaney, J.H. (1993). Alphabet books: Resources for learning. The Reading Teacher, 47, 96-104.
Activity Objective
The goal of A is for Alphabet Book: Using Alphabet Books to Promote Early Literacy Skills is to build letter knowledge, concepts about print, and an understanding of the format of alphabet books as well as to provide an opportunity for beginning writing.
What You Need
Prep Time:
15 minutes
- Create alphabet page template
Task Time:
45-60 minutes
- Teacher models the activity
- Students complete alphabet page
- Teacher takes photo of each child
- Teacher prints photos and compiles books
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Camera
- Alphabet page template (1 per student)
- Pencil
- Pencil crayons
What You Do
Teacher Role:
- during explanation to students and in creating a sample page
- during students writing
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during teacher modeling of alphabet page
- during completion of the alphabet page
Assessment Ideas:
- Assess alphabet pages for spelling and grammar
- Student entries can demonstrate understanding of a specific composition strategy and text genre (alphabet books)
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Read the alphabet book aloud to the class
- Have students present their alphabet page to the class
- One big book can be made and students can take the book home for a week and have family members write notes to various children in the class
- Create an alphabet book representing every letter of the alphabet by assigning each student a letter and having them write an alphabet sentence based on the current topic in the class (e.g. A my name is Alligator and I like to swim in freshwater)
Additional Comments:
- This activity is ideally suited for the beginning of the year so that students can get to know each other's names.