I think it's always important to try to engage students with technology and to find meaningful ways to bring technology and their interest in it into their learning, so I create a very simple class wiki for first and second graders to learn about science. And throughout the last term I've updated the wiki with current topics that they've been learning about. And what they can do each day, groups of students can go online and access the class wiki and learn more about the science topic that we're studying, or learn more building their background knowledge about a science topic that is coming in the future.
So currently, there are six or seven different pages that students can access on the class science wiki. They range in different reading levels and requirements for the different text links that are on there, and I also have several options where students can go on YouTube to view a video, that I have of course pre-screened, that's also related to the science topic that we're studying or are about to study. I find it's been a very successful way to engage a lot of students who would be very reluctant to read non-fiction texts about a science topic, but they're very happy to visit the class science wiki and learn about the same ideas just in a different form, whether it's visual, whether it's through a song online or whether it's through text and games that I found on the internet.