To culminate our non-fiction unit, the students were able to publish and produce their very own non-fiction books on various topics. So to begin with we were very clear about our goal, and then specific expectations for non-fiction books were laid out so the students knew exactly what they needed to include in their own non-fiction book. So a sample of one of the books looks like this. This student published a book all about the brain, and the book covers the various non-fiction text features that you see in non-fiction books. So we have a cover page, a table of contents, more about the topic using bold print to emphasize the important words, a diagram, and finally there's a glossary. When each book is complete the students were able to invite their parents to a whole non-fiction publishing party, which we all went to the library for and everyone had a guest. And the students were able to literally include their book within our school library by adding a barcode to it that was given to us by our teacher librarian. And now the children have their very own non-fiction library where they can read each others books.