Teacher: What does gallop mean? [Students Name].
Student: When a horse runs.
Teacher: Ok, gallop, is when a horse runs as fast as he can. Everybody stand. Show me gallop in place. All right, stop! Wobbly. W-O-B-B-L-Y. Show me wobbly. Side-to-side. If you were a horse or a foal youd be down on your, all fours.
Students: Knees.
Teacher: Id love to hear a Nay
Students: Nay!
Teacher: Weve gone over all our words on our dramatic vocabulary chart. You remember your parts? Ive got mothers and I got my baby foals. Remember our story "Foal" by the author Mary Ling? "I am a new born Foal, a new born pony. My legs our very wobbly. I feel stronger after my meal. I can stand up tall. I am a one week old now. I grow bigger every day. I spend my days in the meadow with my mother". What are you going to do when you go to the meadow?
Student: Graze.
Student: Eat Grass
Teacher: Which one of our words tells to eat grass in the meadow?
Students: Graze.
Teacher: To graze. So show me graze. "I love feeling the soft grass beneath my hoofs. Remember where your hoofs are. So my mother comes when she hears me nay"
Students: Nay!
Teacher: "I am four months old now. I do not wobble anymore. Soon I will be old enough to go play with the other ponies to play in the meadow".