Using "Fancy" Words
Exploring Synonyms to Improve Writing
Activity Description
Select a text that introduces students to the concept of using exciting words to replace boring words
- For example: Fancy Nancy, by Jane O’Connor
- You would want to choose a text with lots of interesting vocabulary words or explicit demonstration of using interesting synonyms
- Read through the text and choose 5-10 words with which more exciting synonyms can be matched (or more bland words if the text is very exciting)
Prepare word cards
- Write each selected word from the text and the corresponding word on separate cards
Read aloud the selected story
- Stop at the each word and discuss a synonym for the word or ask students to identify what the “exciting” word means
Hand out the word cards to each student
- Ask students to read the words to themselves
- Call out one of the simple words and ask the student with this card to stand at the front of the classroom
- Invite the student with the corresponding synonym to stand beside the other student and have both students hold up their cards for students to read
- Continue to call out words and matching synonyms
- Invite students to have a short discussion about how using synonyms in their writing will catch the reader’s attention and make their writing more interesting to read
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Prior to the activity pre-teach vocabulary words to students
- Pre-select a word card for student and have student practice reading and recognizing the word prior to the activity
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Provide picture cues for each word
- Pre-teach words and the definition of the synonym
- Provide opportunities to practice selecting synonyms for familiar words
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Choose words that are culturally inclusive
- Select a book that is culturally inclusive
Differentiated Instruction:
- Allow students to provide a variety of synonyms for chosen words
Related References
Evidence: Brown, R., Waring, R. & Donkaewbua, S. (2008). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from reading, reading-while-listening, and listening to stories. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20, 136-163.
Activity Objective
The goal of Using "Fancy" Words: Exploring Synonyms to Improve Writing is to explicitly teach the meaning of words by introducing synonyms and help students understand the importance of selecting interesting words to use in their writing.
What You Need
Prep Time:
10 minutes - Select a text
- Prepare word cards
Task Time:
20-30 minutes - Teacher introduces story using props
- Teacher invites students to discuss main idea from text
- Teacher reads aloud story
- Students match words with synonyms
Materials Required:
- Selected text
- Word cards
- Props related to story
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- while teacher reads story aloud
- while students match words with synonyms
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during discussion, read aloud and student matching
Assessment Ideas:
- Use a checklist to track students ability to recognize synonyms
- Record students ability to identify synonyms during a spelling dictation or working with words activity
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Write the words and their corresponding synonyms on a chart to which students can refer during writing activities
- Have the students create their own stories using the selected words and synonyms
- Have students rewrite a given paragraph and include 5-10 more interesting synonyms
- Have students depict the words in a drama activity or tableau
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Have the story and matching word cards available for additional listening and reference