Open-Ended Questions
Organizing Ideas Using an Anchor Chart (Virtual Tour)
In our grade three classroom, we have set up five steps in order to answer open response questions. The first step is to restate part of the question, the second step is to answer the question, the third step is to go back into the story, find your proof in order to prove that your answer is right, the fourth step is to make a connection, and the fifth step is to give an opinion about what you have read.
Activity Objective
The goal of Open-Ended Questions: Organizing Ideas Using an Anchor Chart (Virtual Tour) is to provide students with an effective strategy to help organize their ideas about a text they have read.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Using 5 steps to answer open response questions provides students with a framework for organizing their ideas.
- Students restate part of the question, answer the question, find proof from the story, make connections and state their opinion.