Teacher: Ok, so we're going to play a game that helps you hear all of the sounds in a word. So you're going to use the cars to help you sound out the word. So if we did the word mop, you would go
Teacher and Student: /m/o/p/.
Teacher: So you might not need all the cars. So you do the word mop. Sound it out one letter at a time.
Student: /m/o/p/.
Teacher: Fantastic. Ok, let's try a different one. You sound out the word tap.
Student: /t/a/p/.
Teacher: Tap! Ok, great. Let's put all the cards back. Ok I'm going to show you one with four sounds. It'll be the word stop. /s/t/o/p. Ok, I want you to sound out the word stop.
Student: /s/t/o/p/.
Teacher: Fantastic! Ok, I'll give you a hard word with four sounds, ready? It's going to be the word past.
Student: /p/s/t/a/s/t/.
Teacher: That's such a hard one. Ok, let's do that one together, ready?
Teacher and Student: /p/a/s/t/.
Teacher: Great. Ok, now you do past.
Student: /p/a/s/t/.
Teacher: Fantastic. Ok, ready to sound out the word fast?
Student: /f/a/s/t.
Teacher: Ok, great. Let's do one more. /g/r/e/a/t/.
Student: /g/r/e/a/t.
Teacher: Perfect! You did a great job!