Teacher: So now we're going to play a special game that helps you hear all the sounds in words which is pretty tricky. So they way we're going to play the game is we're going to be robots. So, can you give me your best robot pose?... Ok, that's perfect. I know you have a great robot voice too. So the way this works is that when robots say words, they say it one sound at a time. So like if I said the word "mop" a robot would be like /m/o/p/. So I want you to be the robot and say the word. So let's try the word "mop". Go ahead.
Student: /m/o/p/.
Teacher: Perfect! So it's like /m/o/p/. Good. So let's try another word. Can you do the word "top"?
Student" /t/o/p/.
Teacher: Perfect! Like, /t/o/p/. Ok so now I'm going to do some harder ones that have four sounds, are you ready? So really listen to all the sounds. So the first word is going to be "stop". I'll do it first. I'll show you how to do the four sound ones. It's like /s/t/o/p/.
Student: /s/t/o/p/.
Teacher: Perfect! So let's try another one. Can you do "step"?
Student: /s/t/e/p/.
Teacher: Really good! /s/t/e/p/. Ok so now let's do one with five sounds. I'm going to show you how to do it first, ok? We're going to do "blast" like this /b/l/a/s/t/.
Student" /b/l/a/s/t/.
Teacher: Perfect! You kept every sounds really nice and separate. That would be really helpful if you spelled it. Ok let's try the word /s/t/o/m/p/.
Student: /s/t/o/m/p/.
Teacher: Perfect! Ok, so do you know why you would use robot sounds when you hear a word? What do you think it's going to help you to do? Do you think it will help you to read or to spell?
Student: Spell.
Teacher: Right. How is it going to help you to spell?
Student: Because robots talk one syllable at a time.
Teacher: Yeah, one sound at a time. And why does that help you to spell?
Student: Because you can hear all the sounds in the word.
Teacher: Yeah, so you can hear all the sounds in the word so you can write the letters. When you do the robots sounds it helps you hear all the sounds in a word. So I'm going to give you some really hard words with four sounds or five sounds and I want you to do the robot sounds so that you can hear how you're going to spell it. So you think you can do it? So let's do the first one together. So the word is going to be "drop". So we'll do it at the same time, ready?
Student and Teacher: /d/r/o/p/.
Teacher: Perfect. Sound it out to check it.
Student: /d/r/o/p/.
Teacher: Good, now blend it all together.
Student: Drop.
Teacher: Oh my gosh, that was amazing. Just because you're doing so good, we're going to try and spell a really really hard word. You think you can do it? Ok, so we're going to spell the word "blaster", you know, like a space blaster. Ok so we're not going to look at blast. You're going to hear all the sounds and when you get to the end and you hear /e/r/ how do you think you can spell that?
Student: /r/.
Teacher: Yes, the letters are "r" and "e" and it's going to be "er". That's how you write /e/r/, ok? So try to do blaster. That's a super long word.
Student: /b/l/
Teacher: Blaster
Teacher: Ok, great. Now sound it out so you have all the sounds cause it's a long word.
Student: /b/l/a/s/t/e/r.. /bl/.
Teacher: Oh yeah, we needed that /l/ sound.
Student: You made the word blaster and that's a super long word. Great job!