Exploring Compound Words
Improving Vocabulary Knowledge and Spelling Skills
Activity Description
Write a number of compound words as well as their component root words on slips of paper
- All compound words should be written on the same color paper
- All root words should be written on the same color paper
Review the definition of compound words and how they are formed
- Invite students to share their definitions and to provide examples
Present 2 root words
- Have students define each root word
- For example, “pan” and “cakes”
Invite students to combine the root words to form a compound word
- For example, “pan” plus “cakes” produces “pancakes”
- Display the root words and compound word as a written equation
- For example, pan + cakes = pancakes
Present 1 root word and have students determine a root word that it can be combined with to form a compound word
- For example, present the word “black” and ask students to identify another word that it can be joined with to create a compound word
- For example, “black” plus “board” produces “blackboard”
- Encourage multiple responses and ideas and record all
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until students have generated a number of compound words
- Have students generate a definition for compound words
- Discuss how knowing compound words can help with reading, spelling, and understanding words
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Provide pictorial representations of root words and compound words whenever possible
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Display an example of 2 roots words joining to form a compound word to serve as a reference throughout the activity
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Ensure that root words and compound words are relevant, meaningful and accessible to all students
Related References
Mountain, L. (2005). ROOTing out Meaning: More Morphemic Analysis for Primary Pupils. The Reading Teacher, 58, 742-749.
Activity Objective
The goal of Exploring Compound Words: Improving Vocabulary Knowledge and Spelling Skills is to provide a visually engaging, game-like experience for students to review compound words and strengthen their spelling and vocabulary skills.
What You Need
Prep Time:
5-10 minutes - Write examples of compound words and their component root words on strips of paper
Task Time:
10-15 minutes - Teacher and students review the definition of a compound word
- Students build compound words
Materials Required:
- Examples of compound words and their component root words
- Marker
- Whiteboard
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- when reviewing the definition of compound words
- when students build compound words
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- throughout the compound building activity
Assessment Ideas:
- Assess student writing for compound word usage
- Record anecdotal comments following activity implementation
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Divide students into teams and have them compete to generate as many compound words as possible with an array of various root words
- Provide a list of compound words and have students decompose them to determine their component root words
Additional Comments:
- This activity is best implemented when students have some previous experience with compound words.
- This activity is most engaging when implemented in a game-like fashion. For example, students guess the missing root word that forms the compound word.