Cause-Effect Match Up
Building Early Reasoning Skills
Activity Description
Prepare Cause and Effect chart
- Write the heading “Cause and Effect” at the top of a piece of chart paper
- Record the words “cause” and “effect” in 2 separate columns
Prepare Activity cards
- Photocopy the Activity cards worksheet and cut out each pair of cards
Photocopy Cause and Effect worksheet
- Each student will need 1 copy
Session 1:
- Read aloud each cause and display the cards in the correct column of the Cause and Effect chart
Read aloud each effect
- Invite students to identify the corresponding cause and display the card in the correct column
Session 2:
Explain the independent task
- Tell students that they will complete their own cause and effect chart and correctly match each effect with the corresponding cause by gluing the sentences in the correct column
- Have students complete the Cause and Effect worksheet
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Read aloud the information on the Cause and Effect worksheet
- Use pictures to show cause-and-effect relationships
- Prior to the activity review the meaning of the terms "cause" and "effect" and provide examples
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Use pictures or symbols for the Activity cards
- Have the students complete the worksheet in pairs and use mixed ability groupings
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Select sentences that are culturally inclusive
- Create cards with familiar contexts
Differentiated Instruction:
- Provide students with many real-life examples of cause-and-effect relationships
- Have alternative worksheets available from which students can choose
Related References
Evidence: Williams, J.P., Nubla-Kung, A.M., Pollini, S., Stafford, K.B., Garcia, A. & Snyder, A.E. (2007). Teaching cause-effect text structure through social studies content to at-risk second graders. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 111-120.
Activity Objective
The goal of Cause-Effect Match Up: Building Early Reasoning Skills is to foster critical thinking and the development of knowledge by deepening students understanding of cause-and-effect relationships and making and sharing inferences.
What You Need
Prep Time:
20 minutes
- Prepare Cause and Effect chart
- Prepare Activity Cards
- Photocopy Cause and Effect worksheet (1 per student)
Task Time:
2, 20 minutes sessions
Session 1:
- Teacher reads aloud causes
- Students identify effects
Session 2:
- Teacher explains independent task
- Students complete Cause and Effect worksheet
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Activity Cards worksheet
- Cause and Effect worksheet
- Glue
- Scissors
What You Do
Teacher Role:
- while reading aloud causes and having students identify effects
Direct instruction:
- while explaining independent task
- while students complete Cause and Effect worksheet
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during read aloud of causes, identification of effects and explanation of task
- when students complete Cause and Effect worksheet
Assessment Ideas:
- Use a checklist to track student participation and speaking and listening skills during the whole group instruction
- As a formative assessment record anecdotal comments on the worksheet providing students with positive feedback and next steps
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Link the cause and effect sentences with a connecting word
a. For example: Billy was very hungry so he ate a sandwich
b. Other connecting words include: because, so, therefore, as a result, consequently
- Make a list of connecting words and anchor this chart to the wall for students to refer to during writing tasks
- Investigate cause-and-effect relationships during a science experiment or history unit
- Have students work in pairs to create a tableau showing a cause-and-effect relationship
- Have students illustrate their own cause-and-effect relationship
- Create a matching cause-and-effect card game for students to play in pairs
Additional Comments:
- Providing students with familiar sentences allows them to make connections to meaningful contexts. Use the attached worksheets as guides and alter them accordingly.
- Emphasize the connection between a cause and an effect by explicitly stating the meaning of each. A cause is something that makes something else happen. When determining the cause ask why it happened. An effect is what happens as a result of a cause. When determining the effect ask what happened.
- Determining cause-and-effect relationships promotes the use of critical thinking skills. Understanding actions and their consequences is an important life skill. Developing this understanding also extends students' comprehension of texts.
- Building an understanding of cause and effect relationships is an important precursor to understanding and using cause-effect text structure.
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Provide a quiet work space for students disturbed by sound