How to Use CAFÉ
Involving Students in Building Essential Reading Skills
Activity Description
Prepare the CAFÉ Menu board
- Divide a board into 4 columns
- Write the headings, Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary at the top of each column
- The CAFÉ Menu: <>
Prepare the Conferring notebook
- Draw a circle on a piece of chart paper
- Obtain a binder
- You may wish to include a calendar and guided group plans
- Conferring notebook tips: <>
Prepare a reading strategy lesson
- For example: Use prior knowledge to connect with the text <>
Session 1:
- Over a period of several days, introduce and explain each heading on the CAFÉ reading board
Once the headings have been introduced and defined, introduce and model how to use reading strategies from each heading
You may wish to use a picture book to help you model the strategy
- As you read stop at various points and think aloud about the text
You may wish to use a picture book to help you model the strategy
- On a piece of construction paper write the title of the reading strategy
Discuss the appropriate column to place the reading strategy
- For example: Comprehension
Session 2:
- Hold student-teacher conferences with individual students to set goals to practice the four aspects of successful reading
Invite a student to join you for a reading conference
- Have the student select a new area of focus (one of the headings) or share his/her current focus
- Have the student identify a reading strategy goal, write it on a post-it note, and display it under the selected reading strategy
Have the student share the book that he/she is currently reading
- You may wish to have the student read aloud a short passage
Ask questions related to the selected goal
- For example: Ask the student to retell the beginning of the story
- Discuss strengths and next steps
- Record the date and applicable information in your Conferring notebook
- Meet with 3-4 students daily
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Provide visual cues to match each reading strategy
- Have the students use the text as a guide while retelling the main events of the story
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Meet with the student on a weekly basis to help build fluency and comprehension as well as review goals and next steps
- Provide a variety of texts on a computer for listening
- Confer with the student at the listening center so that he/she can refer to the audio text
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Allow students to make personal connections to the text
- Provide a variety of texts from various cultures and communities
Differentiated Instruction:
- Allow students to choose their reading goals
- Provide students with a weekly conference schedule
Related References
Sporer, N., Brunstein, J. & Kieschke, U. (2009). Improving students' reading comprehension skills: Effects of strategy instruction. Learning and Instruction, 19, 272-286.
Activity Objective
The goal of How to Use CAFÉ : Involving Students in Building Essential Reading Skills is to explain a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser intended to provide appropriate practice with reading aloud with a focus on core areas of decoding accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
What You Need
Prep Time:
20 minutes
- Prepare CAFE Menu board
- Prepare Conferring notebook
- Prepare reading strategy lesson
Task Time:
2, 20 minute sessions
Session 1:
- Teacher introduces CAFE headings and reading strategies
- Teacher models how to use a reading strategy
Session 2:
- Teacher conferences with students and discusses reading goals
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Construction paper
- Post-it notes
- Conferring notebook
- Selected text
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- while teacher introduces and models reading strategy
- while teacher conferences with students
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during introduction and modeling of reading strategy
- during teacher conferences
Assessment Ideas:
- Use a checklist to track students' goals and reading growth
- Make observations and record anecdotal comments in your Conferring notebook
- Provide oral feedback to students by discussing strengths and next steps
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Meet with each student on a regular basis and while the class is involved in independent literacy tasks
a. For example: The Daily Five
- Keep parents informed by having students record and describe their reading goal in a home journal or organizer
Additional Comments:
- Through explicit instruction and modeling of each reading strategy, students will develop a greater understanding of strategies used by successful readers.
- Under each heading record a definition of the term in student-friendly language. Comprehension: I understand what I read; Accuracy: I can read the words; Fluency: I can read accurately, with expression, and understand what I read; Expand Vocabulary: I know, find, and use interesting words.
- Conference with students during The Daily Five, a framework for literacy independence.
- Encourage students to select "good-fit" books; books that are at their reading level and of interest to them.
- CAFE is a formative assessment and should guide small group instruction and help you plan for ongoing instruction.
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Confer with students in a quiet area
- Face the student away from his/her peers during the conference