The Daily Five
Fostering Literacy Independence in Pre-Kindergarten
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyStage 2: Consolidation / Fluency
Stage 3: Literacy for Growth
Grade Range:
PreK K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6thFood Groups:
Reading Fluency & Expression, Reading Comprehension Strategies
Writing Processes & Strategies, Spelling & Word Study
Activity Description
Prepare I-Chart
- Write the name of each component as a heading at the top of a piece of chart paper
- Below the heading write “Students” and “Teacher” in 2 separate columns
Prepare center
- For each component provide appropriate materials at a center
Session 1:
Select and introduce a Daily Five component
- Read to Self
- Read to Someone
- Listening to Reading
- Word Work
- Working on Writing
Refer to the I-Chart
- Tell students that the I stands for “Independence”
Invite students to brainstorm student and teacher expectations for the selected component
- You may wish to refer to the I-Chart teacher guide
- Anchor the I-Chart to the wall
Invite up students to model the component in front of the class
- Encourage students to sit in circles
Have the students practice the selected Daily Five component
- Spend 4-5 days on each component building stamina
- Increase the time spent on the component each day
- Repeat session 1 for each of the Daily Five components
Session 2:
Select a comprehension strategy
- For example: Making inferences
- Model how to use the comprehension strategy before, during or after reading
Invite students to refer to each I-Chart
- Review the student and teacher expectations for each of the Daily Five components
- Invite students to select a Daily Five component
- Help the students build their stamina by increasing the time spent in Daily Five each day
Provide students with positive feedback and next steps
- Invite students to share ideas
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Provide picture cues that match each Daily Five component
- Review each component during a student-teacher conference
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Provide instructions and access to a typing program or speech-to-text software program
- Scribe for student so that the students ideas are the focus
- Use step-by-step picture cues and symbols
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Provide students with books from a variety of cultures, communities and genres
Differentiated Instruction:
- Have a variety of stories available on a computer software reading program for Listening to Reading
- Allow the students to choose a component to work on each day
- Use flexible and mixed ability groupings
Related References
Boushey, G. & Moser, J. (2006). The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades. Portland: ME, Stenhouse Publishers.
Wharton-McDonald, R. et al. (1997). Effective primary-grades literacy instruction = Balanced literacy instruction (National Reading Research Center). Reading Teacher, 50, 518-521.
Activity Objective
The goal of The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in Pre-Kindergarten is to use a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser to build students' reading and writing skills, help students expand their vocabulary and promote the enjoyment of books and appreciation for the usefulness of reading and writing.
What You Need
Prep Time:
20 minutes (per component)
- Prepare I-Chart
- Prepare center
Task Time:
2, 20-40 minute sessions
Session 1: (per component)
- Teacher introduces component
- Teacher and students brainstorm ideas for I-Chart
- Teacher and students model component
- Students practice component and build stamina
Session 2:
- Teacher gives mini-lesson
- Teacher reviews components
- Students participate in a Daily Five component of their choice
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- I-Chart teacher guide
- Comprehension Strategies teacher guide
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct Instruction:
- while teaching mini-lessons and introducing each component
- when demonstrating each component
- while class brainstorms ideas for I-Chart and students participate in components of Daily Five
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during mini-lessons, introduction of components and brainstorming sessions
- when students practice component and participate in Daily Five component
Assessment Ideas:
- Provide feedback to students on their progress towards a specific goal during reading and writing conferences
- Take anecdotal notes during small group instruction and track students' growth in reading and writing
- Use a checklist to track students growth in reading and writing throughout the year
- Use a checklist to track the Daily Five components that students select each day
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Hold reading and writing conferences during The Daily Five
- Invite students to share their writing in an "author's chair"
- Have students share a book they have read with the class
a. Invite students to briefly summarize the book, share their favorite part and their recommendations
- Engage students throughout the year by introducing new word work activities and writing materials
Additional Comments:
- The Structure-Big Picture:
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Provide a quiet work space for students disturbed by sound