Read to Self
A Component Of The Daily Five
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyStage 2: Consolidation / Fluency
Grade Range:
K 1st 2nd 3rdFood Groups:
Reading Fluency & Expression, Reading Comprehension Strategies
Activity Description
Prepare Read to Self I-chart
- Write the heading “Read to Self” on a piece of chart paper
- In 2 columns write the headings “Students” and “Teacher”
Gather books for book bins
- Visit the school or classroom library with the students and have them select up to 8 “good-fit” books
Session 1:
Invite the students to brainstorm ideas for the Read to Self I-chart
- Tell students that the I stands for “Independence”
Brainstorm and record student and teacher expectations during Read to Self
- Student examples include: Select a “good-fit” book, Stay in one spot the whole time, Start reading right away
- Teacher example includes: Work with the students
Invite a student to model how to Read to Self
- Have students share their observations
Have students begin practicing reading to self
- Spend 4-5 days building stamina
- Increase the time spent on Read to Self each day
Session 2:
Select a reading strategy for your mini-lesson
- For example: Making Text-to-Self Connections
- Model how to use the reading strategy before, during or after reading
Invite students to refer to the Read to Self I-chart
- Review the student and teacher expectations
Invite students to select a Daily Five component
- Students may wish to select Read to Self
- Help the students build their stamina by increasing the time spent in Daily Five each day descriptive words on another piece of chart paper
- Provide students with positive feedback and next steps
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Assist students in selecting books that are at their reading level and of interest to them
- Have students identify unfamiliar words and pre-teach the meaning and pronunciation of new vocabulary
- Prior to reading the text discuss the context and main events to help the students build their background knowledge
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Provide audio texts for students to listen to while reading
- Explicitly model and practice decoding strategies on a regular basis
- After independently reading a short passage have students orally retell what they have read to check for understanding
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Allow students to select books from a variety of cultures and communities
- As a visual representation, display a chart outlining the events, including the times of the activity
Differentiated Instruction:
- Have a variety of genres available including magazines, comics and non-fiction texts
- Schedule Read to Self at different times throughout the day
Related References
Boushey, G. & Moser, J. (2006). The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades. Portland: ME, Stenhouse Publishers.
Moley, P., Bandre, P. & George, J. (2011). Moving beyond readability: Considering choice, motivation and learner engagement. Theory into Practice, 50, 247.
Activity Objective
The goal of Read to Self: A Component Of The Daily Five is to use a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser to build students' reading fluency and their independent use of comprehension strategies by having students read independently on a regular basis.
What You Need
Prep Time:
10-20 minutes
- Prepare Read to Self chart
- Gather books for book bins
Task Time:
2, 20 minute sessions
Session 1:
- Teacher and students brainstorm ideas for the Read to Self I-chart
- Students model how to Read to Self
- Students work independently and practice reading to self
Session 2:
- Teacher gives mini-lesson
- Teacher reviews activity
- Students select Read to Self as part of The Daily Five
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- I-Chart teacher guide
- Book bins
- 6-8 "good-fit" books
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- while class brainstorm ideas for the Read to Self I-chart and during mini-lesson
- while students model how to Read to Self
- while students work independently and begin Reading to Self
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during brainstorming session, student modeling and mini-lesson
- when students Read to Self
Assessment Ideas:
- Hold conferences with each student and record goals and next steps
a. Make observations and take anecdotal notes while listening to each student read aloud a selected passage
- Track and record the titles and genres of books the students are selecting
a. Use this information to guide you when selecting good-fit books for your students
- Complete a running record for each student 2-3 times throughout the year
a. During one-on-one conferences track each student's reading ability, record strengths and next steps and provide each student with oral feedback on his/her comprehension skills and fluency
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Read All About It!: Encourage students to share their books with the class through oral presentations
- Create a "graffiti board" where students use a variety of writing materials to record the title, author and adjective describing the book for others to view
- Post a chart for students to record the title and author of their books as well as a rating and the intended audience
a. Encourage students to view this chart when selecting a book to read
- Have students share the books they have read or are reading during a book club or literature circle
Additional Comments:
- Read to Self is a component of The Daily Five, an instructional framework for reading and writing. The Daily Five is a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser and provides students with a series of independent and guided literacy tasks.
- Encourage students to find a quiet place in the classroom to read independently for the given time period.
- Explicitly modeling what reading independently looks like provides students with a visual representation of the activity expectations.
- Provide students with guidelines in choosing "good-fit" books; books that are at their level and of interest to them. Visit the classroom or school library and have the students choose up to 8 "good-fit" books to keep in their book bins.
- Good Fit Books:
- Launching chart:
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Provide quiet work spaces for students disturbed by sound
- Provide texts with large fonts for students who may have a visual impairment