Word Work
A Component Of The Daily Five
Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyAges:
Grade Range:
K 1st 2ndFood Groups:
Spelling & Word Study
Activity Description
Prepare Word Work I-chart
- Write the heading “Word Work” on a piece of chart paper
- In 2 columns write the headings “Students” and “Teacher”
Select a variety of Word Work activities
- For example: Making words
- Prepare a working with words center
- Provide a variety of writing materials, letter cards and word games
Session 1:
Invite the students to brainstorm ideas for the Word Work I-chart
Brainstorm and record student and teacher expectations during Word Work
- Student examples include: Whispering voice, Stay in one spot the whole time
- Teacher example includes: Work with the students
Brainstorm and record student and teacher expectations during Word Work
- Select 1 activity to share with the students
Model the selected Word Work activity
- For example: Making words using magnets
Invite 2 students to model the activity
- Guide their understanding of the activity by providing oral feedback
Have students begin practicing the selected Word Work activity
Spend 4-5 days building stamina
- You may wish to introduce new activities throughout the year
- Increase the time spent on Word Work each day
Spend 4-5 days building stamina
Session 2:
Select a spelling strategy for your mini-lesson
- For example: Identifying suffixes and prefixes
- Model how to use the selected spelling strategy
Invite students to refer to the Word Work I-chart
- Review the student and teacher expectations
Invite students to select a Daily Five component
- Students may wish to select a Word Work activity
- Help the students build their stamina by increasing the time spent in Daily Five each day
- Provide students with positive feedback and next steps
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- For each activity provide students with visual cues that show step-by-step instructions
- Allow students to work in pairs
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Repeat the activity instructions before students begin
- Complete the selected game or activity in small groups and provide prompts and oral feedback
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Select games and activities that are culturally appropriate
Differentiated Instruction:
- Provide students with a variety of hands-on and written activities from which they can choose
- If the selected activity involves a small group, allow flexible and mixed-ability groupings
Related References
Boushey, G. & Moser, J. (2006). The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades. Portland: ME, Stenhouse Publishers.
Williams, C., Phillips-Birdsong, C., Hufnagel, K., Hungler, D. & Lundstrom, R.P. (2009). Word study instruction in the K-2 classroom. Reading Teacher, 62, 570-578.
Activity Objective
The goal of Word Work: A Component Of The Daily Five is to use a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser to provide opportunities for exposure to and use of a variety of words and practice spelling irregular high frequency words.
What You Need
Prep Time:
10-20 minutes
- Prepare Word Work I-chart
- Select a variety of Word Work activities
- Prepare word work center
Task Time:
2, 30 minute sessions
Session 1:
- Teacher and students brainstorm ideas for the Word Work I-chart
- Students model a Word Work activity
- Students work in pairs or independently and practice the Word Work activity
Session 2:
- Teacher gives mini-lesson
- Teacher reviews activity
- Students select Word Work as part of The Daily Five
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Word work activities
- Computer
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- while brainstorming ideas for the Word Work I-chart and giving mini-lesson
- while students model a Word Work activity
- while students work in pairs and begin activity
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during brainstorming session, student modeling and mini-lesson
- during Word Work activity
Assessment Ideas:
- Track students' selection of word work activities by recording the name of the activity and how often it is chosen
a. Use this information to guide you in selecting new and interesting games and activities
- Choose a familiar activity and invite students to independently work with you on the selected activity
a. Make observations and record strengths and next steps
b. Provide students with oral feedback
c. Repeat the same activity 2-3 times throughout the year and record students' progress and growth
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Invite students to create a spelling activity or game
- Keep parents informed by sending a monthly newsletter home outlining word work activities that are occurring in your classroom on a regular basis
a. Encourage parents to try simple word work activities at home
- Display photos of the working on various activities and post them at the working with words center
Additional Comments:
- Word Work is a component of The Daily Five, an instructional framework for reading and writing. The Daily Five is a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser and provides students with a series of independent and guided literacy tasks.
- Exposing students to new vocabulary words will help them expand their vocabulary. Providing opportunities to practice spelling words through a fun and motivating game will also help students commit the words to memory and will also promote the automatic use of the words when communicating with others.
- Select a variety of word work activities that students can complete independently or in pairs.
- As you introduce activities at different times throughout the year provide explicit instructions and an opportunity for students to practice each activity. Review instructions on a regular basis.
- Word Work activities: http://web.me.com/varkgirl/2nd_Grade/Word_Work.html
- Word Work activities: http://www.thedailycafe.com/public/409.cfm
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Provide quiet work spaces for students disturbed by sound