Each term we run student led conferences. Student led conferences actually take the place of traditional parent teacher interviews where the parents come into the school and the teacher lists off the strengths and the areas of need for the students. What's special about this is that the student is invited to the student led conference and actually leads the whole thing, I'm merely there as a facilitator. So, in order to prepare the students for this, we go through a list of each of the things they'll be speaking about with their parents and the work that they will be showing to them. I don't decide what work they're going to share, the students actually will go, for example, to their writing folder and choose their favorite piece of writing. They then bring the writing and put it into their learning portfolio which will come to the student led conference. The students have a reflection sheet for each piece of work that goes into their folder, so what's really great is that the students have shown that they are thinking about what they're going to do to improve next term, as opposed to me listing off to the parents what I hope that they will do.
This is a typical learning portfolio with the student's name. On the bottom there's a little message explaining how special this work is and that the student is proud to share it with their parents. Inside, for example, this student has chosen one piece of writing. So after they shared this piece of writing with their parents they're able to share a reflection sheet that says what they're really proud of and the things that they're going to do better next time. At the front page of their learning portfolio is an agenda. So they take this agenda out at the beginning and they're able to check-mark off as they go through each item. So, for example, the first item says they should welcome their parents and thank them for coming. And then they know to check-mark it when they're done. Then they go to their reading work. They read a book with their parents, they share their reflection sheet, and then they check-mark this off. So the students are really well prepared for this and they're quite independent because they know exactly how to follow this checklist.
Related References
American Student Achievement Institute: