Graffiti Posters
Integrating Science and Literacy (Virtual Tour)
Literacy is such an important focus in everything that I do, that I actually teach my science program in the literacy block. So, for example, when learning about different parts of the body, we look at a whole bunch of different non-fiction books about the body, so that we can learn more. Behind me you can see that we took each part of the body and wrote it on a big piece of paper. The students, I split them up into different groups, and they were able to write and record and label all of their thinking on a big piece of paper. I call it graffiti because I think that its a really fun idea. The students can jot down their ideas and illustrate them, and they have a huge poster to share at the end. They're really excited they can write their name on it and then we put these on display outside.
Activity Objective
The goal of Graffiti Posters: Integrating Science and Literacy (Virtual Tour) is to extend students understanding of a specific topic and to help them to understand the structural features of a poster.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Integrating science and literacy fosters student motivation and engagement.
- Provide computer opportunities for students so that they become familiar with using the Internet for conducting research. Direct them to 2 or 3 age-appropriate research sites and model how to find information from these websites.
- Creating posters to inform the audience is a fun way for students to share their understanding of a science topic.
- A positive community can be established when students work collaboratively in cooperative groups.