While working with students during shared reading on the carpet, I find that different students are working at different levels and there are different strategies that each student needs to work on. I start putting together a collection of students that need to work on certain strategies and bring them together at the guided reading table to work together. The guided reading table is a differentiated place where students get to work on skills that they need to work on. The groups change all the time. It depends on the skills that they are working on at that time as oppose to which level of a reader they are.
In my assessment binder I keep track of the groups that I would like to work with. As I'm working with a group and I'm finding that there are other particular strategies that a student needs to work on I put them in a guided reading group tracker. I write their name down with the strategy and as I find more students that need to work on that strategy, I put their name down in that same spot. Eventually when I have a group that is big enough I will call them together to look at that skill such as a group that needs to work on sounding out, or a group that needs to work more on their comprehension or a group that needs to work more on chunking of sounds. And that's how I keep track of making sure that I am meeting with different groups at different times based on the strategies that they need to work on.
In this classroom the reading strategies that we use come from The CAFE menu. I've created a set of cards using the strategies from The CAFE to use during guided reading. I give those to the students and what they are, are cards that have a procedure, a list of steps of how to follow that strategy. For instance, Check for Understanding, the students should read a few pages, close the book and retell that part to make sure that they've understood it. If they do they can keep reading, if they don't they should go back and reread. Students can take these cards to their desks with them, while they are practicing that skill just until they are sure that they really have mastered that skill.
Related References
Additional Links:
Reading A-Z Website:
The Daily CAFE: