Read Alouds Across ALL Elementary Grades
Motivating Literacy in the Classroom (Virtual Tour)
Literacy is a major part of my classroom. I really love to read and I make this very obvious to the students. One of my favorite things is read alouds. I find at this grade level, at the fifth and sixth grade, the students get less and less read alouds, but the enjoyment they get from hearing someone read them a story and the level of engagement is so high. I use read alouds in all the different content areas. Ive used a read aloud this year in science, a picture book called Stanleys Party. This was the beginning of a STEM activity. I read the book to them, and then they had to design technological devices based on their science learning. For example, in science, I read them a picture book called Stanleys Party, which was the platform for some of their technological designs. In language, I read them a novel called Freak the Mighty, and in math, we read poems about homelessness.
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Activity Objective
The goal of Read Alouds Across ALL Elementary Grades: Motivating Literacy in the Classroom (Virtual Tour) is to illustrate how teachers can utilize read alouds throughout all grade levels. As students move into 5th and 6th grade, they tend to have less exposure to read alouds. This teacher shares the importance of read alouds in order to keep students engaged in the material and to inspire creative lessons in a variety of content areas.
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Additional Comments:
- Picture books arent only for young children. There are a number of picture books that can be used for read alouds in all grade levels. Picture books are usually between 1,500 to 2,000 words, so they can be a short and sweet way to introduce a lesson or topic. - Try selecting an appropriate novel with your class for a read aloud that you can read over the span of about a month (depending on the length of the novel and the time youre willing to dedicate to reading it in class). It can be a great tool to motivate students to stay on task to ensure theyll have enough time for their read aloud.