Every day in our class we like to have hands on practice in literacy. And so what we've done is created literacy centers. Our literacy centers are based on letter formation, word recognition, phonemic awareness, phonics, literacy and technology, and oral retell. And what we like to do is group the students based on older students and younger students together, so that the older students can help guide the younger students through the literacy center. The way that I've organized the centers is I actually pregroup the students based on their needs or abilities and then I have five pocket charts that I've written their names on with Popsicle sticks labelled A through E. A is the first literacy center, B would be the second, C would be the third, D would be the fourth, and E would be the fifth. Each day the Popsicle sticks move based on what group is at what center. So, for example, if this was day two I would move E to the start and each subsequent stick would move to the next pocket chart. This gives the students ownership over what group they're in because they can take a look at where their name is and what letter bin they would be working on.