One of the things that I also use in my classroom is Word Families. Word Families allows students to discover patterns in words. They can use that information to write new words or read new words that they haven't read before or haven't written before. The way I introduce this is I tell them, this is the word family we are going to be working on this week. Word Family "oke", and I show them the card showing "oke". Start thinking of words that you think that might belong in this word family. They start telling me all the words that they come up with. Most of the words belong to this Word Family and sometimes some of them don't. Then I show them the cards that I have and then if they actually told me the words that I have on the cards, they get a marble for each one of them. I ask them to put that in a sentence now to make sure they understand the meaning of the word.
Once that Word Family has been presented, I have another session in the week where I dictate the words and the kids can write sentences using those words so they do activities with it. Then, the list of cards with the Word Family comes up here. I have two different levels. These are the ones that are level one. These are easier word families.
In the middle of the year, we'll stop the level ones and move on to the level two words. As you can see, these ones are a little bit more complex. Even, some of them have the silent E and other things that the level one words don't have. My students can use them when they are writing too. They have a pattern, so sometimes I tell them, have you looked at the word families? Because that word that you want to spell belongs to one of those Word Families. It's not there, but you can use it. The way my students figured out if a word belongs to that word family is the rhyming. They start looking for words that rhyme with the words that I'm presenting or the Word Family and thats how they discover that a word may belong to a Word family.
Again, sometimes they come up with ones that are close enough but not quite, and then I write those words. Oh, thats actually a different Word Family. Look at how that one is spelled. This is very useful and they love this. It's just one of those things that you see in the first grade when you actually have a system in place that they can get engaged with.
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Additional Links:
Reading Rockets: Meet the Word Families