Attack that Word
Reviewing Decoding Strategies
Activity Description
Prepare Word Attack poster
- Write the heading “Attack That Word”
Below the heading write the following questions as subheadings
- “Is there a small word hiding in a big word?”
- “Is there a suffix?”
- “Is there a prefix?”
- “Is there a compound word?”
- “Do you see a word part you already know?”
1. Introduce the activity with the Word Attack song
a. Sing “It’s time. It’s time to attack the word. You are the people who can do it”
2. Refer to the Word Attack poster and read each subheading
a. Remind students about strategies for decoding words in which they may already be familiar
b. When reviewing each subheading emphasize each strategy by using 2 or 3 examples
c. Encourage students to share how they can use each strategy
3. Write a new word on the board
a. Refer to each question from the Word Attack poster to help the students decode the word
4. After decoding the given word emphasize the fact that the students have just attacked a word
5. Model 2 or 3 more words using the poster and strategies as a guide
Adaptations For
English Language Learners/ESL:
- Include a visual cue for each strategy
- Prior to the activity, pre-teach each strategy and model examples for student
- Use gestures or body cues to which student can associate each strategy
LD/Reading & Writing Difficulties:
- Present the information visually by posting a visual cue beside each strategy
- Prior to the activity, pre-teach each strategy and model examples for student
- Meet with student on a regular basis to review and apply each strategy
Cultural Appropriateness & Diversity:
- Choose words that are culturally inclusive
Differentiated Instruction:
- Provide students with a variety of strategies from which to choose and emphasize the idea of choosing the strategy that works best for each student
Related References
Evidence: Nation, K. & Snowling, M. J. (1998). Semantic processing and the development of word-recognition skills: Evidence from children with reading comprehension difficulties. Journal of Memory and Language, 39, 85-101.
Activity Objective
The goal of Attack That Word: Reviewing Decoding Strategies is to improve students' reading by reviewing and practicing strategies for decoding unfamiliar words.
What You Need
Prep Time:
10 minutes - Prepare Word Attack poster
Task Time:
20 minutes - Teacher and students sing a song to introduce activity
- Teacher presents Word Attack poster and reviews strategies
- Teacher presents new words for students to decode
- Students practice using strategies to decode words
Materials Required:
- Chart paper
- Markers
What You Do
Teacher Role:
Direct instruction:
- when presenting and reviewing poster
- when presenting new words to decode
- while students practice using strategies
Student Grouping:
Whole class:
- during song, teacher presentations and student practice
Assessment Ideas:
- Use a checklist to track the strategies each student is using during reading conferences or guided reading sessions
- Make anecdotal notes and keep track of strategies used by each student during reading conferences
Quick Tips
Activity Extensions:
- Focus on each strategy independently and model the strategy during a read-aloud
- Have students choose and focus on using 1 strategy from the poster during self-selected reading
- Create a game that students can play which allows the students to practice using the decoding strategies
- At a reading or writing center include the Word Attack poster to which the students can refer
Additional Comments:
- Explicit instruction in decoding and word recognition has a direct effect on students' reading ability. It is important to teach and model each of the above strategies explicitly.
Other Adaptations/Modifications:
- Provide a quiet workspace for review