On the very first day of school I read the book Have you Filled a Bucket. Each child then receives a bucket with his or her name on it. It's placed in the pocket chart. In the book it talks about how we all fill other people's buckets. We can fill a bucket or we can take something out of the bucket. When you fill a bucket, you say something nice, something good, give a compliment. When you mistreat someone, when you name call, talk about them, you take something out of their bucket. And all day long all of us are walking around either filling or dipping into somebody else's bucket. So we've decided that we're going to fill buckets throughout the year. Each child has his or her own bucket with their name on it. We use pompoms to fill each child's bucket. Throughout the day, boys and girls have an opportunity to witness other people filling buckets. At the end of the day, a child is chosen to come over and fill that child's bucket. We have coupons that the boys and girls will fill out that basically says "I saw ABC filling someone elses bucket". If that child fills someone else's bucket then the giver as well receives a pompom.