Map It!
Integrating Social Studies and Literacy (Virtual Tour)
Time management is an issue for all teachers. And one of the things we're always trying to do is decide how we're going to fit everything into the course of the day. One of the ways to do that is to piggyback a couple of the subject areas together into our literacy block. I've done that with social studies. We're now studying mapping, so using my literacy block, I'm learning how to define words such as map and globe. I'm able to teach something in social studies but also work on a literacy skill.
Activity Objective
The goal of Map It!: Integrating Social Studies and Literacy (Virtual Tour) is to promote the enjoyment of reading and writing by integrating literacy with social studies and to provide opportunities for exposure to and use of new vocabulary.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Integrated instruction is a teaching approach that connects different subjects according to a selected theme or topic.
- Integrating literacy with other curriculum areas encourages self-expression, is motivating and engaging and involves thinking critically.