Our grade two, word wall program consists of about ten words each week. And we introduce them in lots of fun ways. On Mondays we clap and chant the words, on Tuesdays we pat and chant the words, on Wednesdays we do stretching to make the words, on Thursdays we're going to use a clap for the consonant and a snap for the vowel, and on Fridays, we really have lots of fun. We get out the pompoms and we cheer those words on, so we can practice before our Friday final dictation. One of the activities that we do during the week to practice word wall words is to do a word chain. Now word chains are really fun because they can go on and on and on, but we've tried to take maybe five word wall words that we'd really like to practice. When you have the word up like the word, swim, you look at the final consonant, and that final consonant, or it could be a final vowel, is going to be the first letter of the next word. Now at the beginning, we just pull words out of a hat. So if it ended in M like swim, the next word might be mother. But as our word wall builds, we take words from there. So another one might be make, because it will be a word wall word. So we have lots of fun with our word wall words.
Related References
Graded lists of high frequency words have been developed by Fry and Dolch: