As part of our school culture, we spend a lot of time of social skills. There are four main areas that we look at, and they're called the TRIBES agreements. The first TRIBE agreement is attentive listening. Boys and girls, no matter where they are whether they're listening to a PA announcement, or to me, or to someone else, they are always listening attentively and they are not distracted by the things or people around them. The second area of focus is appreciation. No put-downs to anyone, not in the class, and not on the playground. And we do this sometimes to show appreciation even through letters of appreciation to people who work in our school. The third area is participation and right to pass. We want children to participate in class. We want to see those hands raised and the answers coming fluently, but there are students who aren't comfortable with that, so they have the right to pass. They can say, No, not this time. And the last area we focus on is mutual respect. We want to respect one another, our cultures, our religions, and the areas of the world from which we come.