Book Bins
Reading Practice from Personal Book Bins (Virtual Tour)
Every day the children have several opportunities to read. We have one very focused reading time where the children are just reading levelled text from their own book bin. So these are texts that I've chosen for them and they revisit those books every day and as they're doing that I make sure that I see three or four students and record a running record from their levelled text. The information that I gather from those running records is very important because I use that information when we do our guided reading groups. If you're finding you have a shortage of little books and alphabet books in your classroom there's a great website and you can just print those out. A neat little prop for the children to help them track their words are these teeny-tiny reading wands that have just been made with little tiny sticks and glue gunned with shiny things on the end.
Related References
Reading Resource Center:
Activity Objective
The goal of Book Bins: Reading Practice from Personal Book Bins (Virtual Tour) is to promote the enjoyment of books and appreciation for the usefulness of reading by providing students with an opportunity to select books of interest and keep selected books in their browsing bins.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Provide daily opportunities for students to read books independently, in pairs and in small groups. - Allow students to select appropriate books that are of particular interest to them. Giving students a choice fosters motivation for literacy and an enjoyment of reading. - Model a variety of skills related to concepts of print, including directionality and book handling. - Meet with students for one-on-one running records or small group guided reading instruction. - Use reading wands to promote the enjoyment of reading.
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