Taking a Math Shapes Walk
Interactive Writing about Schoolyard Observations (Virtual Tour)
As a culminating activity in our unit on shapes in math, we went outside for a shape walk, to find shapes in the environment, and the children had a wonderful time pointing out triangles, squares, ovals, and so on. When we came back we had the pictures developed and the children discussed the pictures and there was lots of conversation and we got together in little groups and we did some more interactive writing. And just like we put up our interactive writing in the classroom, lots of examples around the classroom, so we like to put it out into the hallway to make our learning public to anyone who's coming by, parents, grandparents, and other students as well.
Activity Objective
The goal of Taking a Math Shapes Walk: Interactive Writing about Schoolyard Observations (Virtual Tour) is to encourage students to write for an authentic purpose and help students develop an understanding of the features of written language.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- As the students walk around the schoolyard, take pictures of various objects that they find. Back in the classroom, classify the pictures according to the objects shape and size.
- Display students writing on a writing wall throughout the year. Use these writing samples as a visual writing portfolio to assess each students progress in writing.
- During interactive writing, guide the process of writing and provide appropriate pacing and instruction when needed.
- Provide interactive writing opportunities for whole-group and small group instruction.
- Integrating math and literacy fosters student motivation and engagement.
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