This is our puppet center. And the children can come over and use the puppets for imaginative play, conversation, puppet shows with one another. And we also use it as part of our story retell, we want the children to be able to retell their favorite stories in the correct sequence. So we have a variety of things that they can do. One of the things they can do, for instance if they were retelling Brown Bear, Brown Bear, they could come and get the little story components, and the puppet holds the story component and the child tells the story in sequence. And they absolutely love doing that.
Another thing they can do is use the Velcro story board, and we have all the pieces of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and they just retell the story and they put it on. Now this can easily be changed up and we have other stories in the Velcro pieces, but it's so easy to make these little story parts on the Popsicle sticks and the children really enjoy coming here.