Morning Message
Building Motivation for Literacy and Early Reading Skills (Virtual Tour)
This is our Morning Message. Each morning the helper of the day will point to the message as the class reads it with them. We do assorted activities with the Morning Message. For example, we might look for particular letters, so students start to identify their letters, by using one of the Letter Wands. We could also spy with our little eyes upper-case or lower-case letters, and this is where students would use the Eye-Spy wand. We look for various sorts of punctuation and circle it. Sometimes we come across words in our message that don't follow the rules phonetically, and those words the children will write on a piece of paper and actually send to jail for not following the rules. We might swat some words and find the number of syllables that those words have. Children have a lot of fun using the Word Swatters. Space Man is used to find the number of words within a sentence. When we want to find the number of words in a sentence sometimes we'll also step to each word and it makes it more bodily kinesthetic for the students. One of the students' favorite things to do with the Morning Message is to decipher a cryptic message. So, for example, this week our letter-sound of the week was /n/ and students read the message phonetically and then tried to figure out what the message was actually trying to say to them.
Activity Objective
The goal of Morning Message: Building Motivation for Literacy and Early Reading Skills (Virtual Tour) is to build students' phonemic awareness and letter-sound knowledge through engaging morning message activities.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Props, like magic wands, are engaging tools to use during shared reading and writing activities. - Include new and familiar sounds and words in the morning message to promote literacy growth letter-sound knowledge.
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