At the beginning of our Social Studies unit, we visited the local museum in order to deepen our understanding and knowledge around ancient societies. Students loved the display cases that were there. As well as the information that accompanied the various artifacts. As a culminating activity, I knew I wanted to do something that involved art as well as writing. Really, it was an opportunity for students to showcase what they knew and what they had learned throughout our ancient society unit.
Students really showed an interest in ancient Egypt, and that is why I decided to focus on that. Students were asked to create a sarcophagus, and of course, there was lots of modeling that went around in terms of creating this case. It incorporated many different elements of math because students had to measure the pieces, building them from scratch.
Students learned about the various steps of mummification. Through procedural writing, we organized all of the information in order. From there, students created their own mummy. Some students chose kings, others chose Pharaohs, and some even chose animals.
Throughout our studies, we also learned about various social classes. Not everyone was buried in a sarcophagus. Those who were always had possessions with them, and they were their most prized possessions. Therefore, students were asked to create various objects that they would place inside their sarcophagus with their mummy. Finally, students were asked to write about it. They were asked to write about what type of mummy they created as well as the objects, and the reasoning behind selecting those objects.