The Daily Five
Fostering Literacy Independence in Third and Fourth Grade (Virtual Tour)

Stage of Literacy Development:
Stage 1: Beginning LiteracyStage 2: Consolidation / Fluency
Stage 3: Literacy for Growth
Grade Range:
K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6thFood Groups:
Primary: Reading Fluency & Expression, Text Structures & Genres
Secondary: Reading Comprehension Strategies, Vocabulary
Literacy Coach: Now I'll talk about the Daily Five. This is our literacy framework that we're using for independent work. Now the first component of the Daily Five is Read to Self, where the children self-select a book that they have chosen that has meaning to them, that they can read, and that they enjoy. The second component, is Read to Someone, where they'll sit with a partner elbow to elbow, knee to knee. They take turns reading, or they'll read to each other. The third component is Listening to Reading where we have the children sit at a computer, they listen to reading on one of the many sites that we have that they listen to storybooks on, or they can listen at our listening center. The fourth component is Work on Writing, They can write about whatever they choose to, it's not structured, if they want to write a letter someone, they can do that, or they can write an adventure story, or it's their choice. They can make their own books, they can make their own stories and share them with each other. And the fifth component is Working with Words. The children find interesting words, they use them from the word wall, they make games, they play games with words, they take letters apart, mix them around, make new words, and share their new words with each other. Teacher: As part of our Daily Five routine the student select books for Read to Self and Read to Someone. Each student is giving a book bin at the beginning of the year. We then visit the school library as well as the classroom library and each student selects books that are good-fit books, so these books are at their level and they are also interesting for the students. In some of the book bins students have decided to use a work collector. The word collector is a smaller representation of our chart for expanding vocabulary. And while they're reading their books, their good-fit books, they can come across interesting and exciting words that they can add to their word collector, and then they would use their word collector as part of their writing.
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Activity Objective
The goal of The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in Third and Fourth Grade (Virtual Tour) is to use a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser to build students' reading and writing skills, help students expand their vocabulary and promote the enjoyment of books and appreciation for the usefulness of reading and writing.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- The Daily Five is an instructional framework for reading and writing. The Daily Five is a method developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser and provides students with a series of independent and guided literacy tasks.