Book Cover Design
Writing a Summary (Virtual Tour)
The students have been working on writing summaries since the beginning of the year. As a formative assessment, they wrote a summary based on the book that they had been reading for Read to Self, and they also designed a new book cover, and this is an example of somebody who wrote a summary on Diary of a Wimpy Kid with their new book design, and the summary is on the back of their book cover.
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Activity Objective
The goal of Book Cover Design: Writing a Summary (Virtual Tour) is to help students to understand the structural features of a summary and provide them with an opportunity to build their comprehension skills by retelling a text.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- Provide students with texts that are developmentally appropriate. Engaging students with texts that are exciting and interesting contributes to a motivation for literacy and fosters a love of books.
- Model how to write a summary and display exemplary summaries in the classroom for students to review.
- Integrating art into your literacy program fosters student motivation and engagement.
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1st - 6th