This is our CAFÉ menu board. CAFÉ stands for comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary. Under comprehension, we would do a mini-lesson, and these are the strategies we were working on under comprehension. Do I understand what I am reading? When the child is working on a comprehension strategy, they place a Post-It note under the comprehension sign so we know that the child is working there.
If a child is working on accuracy, can I read the words, they would work on one of the strategies we've worked on like, chunking letters, and sounding out words. They would place the sticky note underneath the accuracy poster so we can see they are working on that strategy.
Under fluency, how accurately can I read with expression and understand the text, we might work on practicing rereading the text so that they become fluent and in a natural speaking voice. And again, they would place their sticky notes underneath.
In expanding vocabulary, we are looking for that voracious reading where they're tuning into interesting words, and also practicing using the dictionary to find out what those interesting words mean. If we really like a word, we put it on our expanding vocabulary word collector, and that's where the children would be able to go to that poster and use those words in their writing every day.
Related References
The Daily Café:
The Café Menu:
Conferring Sample Chart: