Word Wall and Star School Word List
Spelling High Frequency Words in First Grade (Virtual Tour)
This is our Word Wall, and our Word Wall began at the beginning of the school year. And these words normally come from the stories that we read each week and some of our high frequency words. And weekly the students are assigned a particular letter and they are to come to the board during the Working with Words activity and give the letter name, the letter sound, and begin to recite the words that are located under that letter. And this is also our Star School Word List, and these words are given by our principal, she gives one word per week that will enrich the students' vocabulary.
Related References
Graded lists of high frequency words have been developed by Fry and Dolch: http://www.k12reader.com/fry-word-list-1000-high-frequency-words/
Activity Objective
The goal of Word Wall and Star School Word List: Spelling High Frequency Words in First Grade (Virtual Tour) is to help students to commit irregularly spelled high frequency words to memory and provide opportunities for exposure to and use of a variety of words.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- High frequency words are the words that appear most often in printed material. Direct students' attention to these words during read-alouds and shared readings.
- Discuss the importance of recognizing high frequency words by sight and the direct impact of this recognition to reading fluency.
- The more often students are exposed to high frequency words the more likely they will be able to commit the spelling of these words to memory.
- Create personal dictionaries and have students add new high frequency words to their dictionaries on a regular basis.
- Make the word wall interactive by allowing the students to take the word off the wall and use at their workspace.